Spiritual Support
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." ~Psalms 147:3
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." ~Psalms 147:3 //
As a believer in God, you have specific tenets of faith that are incorporated into your daily choices in life. When faced with betrayal or infidelity or even a relationship that just doesn't seem to be "right", your spirituality may be challenged. Your goal to walk in faith is honored during the process of healing as we work toward the goal of strengthening your commitment to Him and healing your pain.
I commit to respect your beliefs and support your journey as you wish. We can define what your individual and relational goals are and work toward them in a loving, faith based methodology.
The work we do is in complement to that done with your Pastor or religious leader, with our work focusing on the healing of the pain, understanding why this can bring you a better understanding of your spiritual relationship and work toward healing your relationship with your partner as well.